UI Design | Sport App Design

Study Case by CHAT GPT - Sporty Wear
What is Sporty Wear?

Company Name: "Sporty Wear".

Purpose: To create an attractive and user-friendly App UI Design for an e-commerce application that sells various types of sports clothing from famous brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, and others.

This design has 19 screens:

~ On the first screen, there is a login page where the user is shown a loading screen with the Sporty Wear logo.

~ On the second screen, after the loading screen is completed, the user will be given a choice of Man or Woman. This choice is made with the intention of producing the desired preference. If there is no preference, there is a skip link to see it in detail.

~ OThe third screen shows the homepage. It displays a hamburger menu on the left side and a cart on the right. There is a search button below it, and there are brand categories to choose from. Below that, there is an arrivals section that displays the latest products that can be scrolled through. In the third section at the bottom, there is a menu button that consists of Home, Wishlist, Cart, and Wallet.

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~ Every account that wants to buy products from Sporty Wear is expected to log in first. If you don't have an account, sign up first. Therefore, a login screen is made with the option to log in through Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

~ When the user signs up, the screen is made like a screen in the middle. There are screens when you forget your password, verification code, and there is also a screen for changing your password.

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This a full result design

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